Saturday, March 10, 2007

I sold my soul...

I sold my soul to coffee, trading my dreams for more waking life.

I used to get about eight to ten hours of sleep nightly, back when I went to bars and worked a day job. Since becoming a freelancer, I've traded the bars for coffee houses, and my sleep time has gotten down to about five hours a night. It's rare that i remember my dreams now, but when I do they tend to be really vivid. I wish I didn't have to sleep at all; I wish there was some sort of pill that gave you a full night of sleep and dreams in the blink of an eye. Until then there's always more coffee.


kevin kaliher said...

thanks for the link beyatch
when you get tired of drawing so-called "beautiful people" at gay ass coffee shops come and visit me in the ghetto if you dare. way better material here bro.

RR said...

soul coughee...

Tracy said...

i often wish i could become a tweeker... but alas, i cant go down that road